Me, Ali, Helen, Jeb, Tim, Nicky, Lisa and Mary.
Went down to Redditch on Saturday to meet up with some of the old CU guys from when I was at UCE. We met up at Phil and Mary’s house, and I hadn’t seen a few of them since I moved up to Manchester six years ago.
I got there at noon (using the sat-nav on my new phone which worked brilliantly!) and I’d only been there a short while when I was left holding the baby – literally – Ali dumped me with Phil & Mary’s 6 month old baby, which was a whole new experience for me! I really wasn’t sure how to hold her – I was so worried I’d drop her! But I managed okay I think!
It was a very noisy afternoon because Jeb & Nicky brought their new baby Lois with them, Tim & Lisa had their 2½ year-old daughter Lisa, and with Phil & Mary’s three children – baby Jessica, 2 year-old Ben, and 4½ year-old Alice – it was quite manic!! Good fun though!
It was nice to catch up with people again. It’s interesting to find out how lives have changed! Especially the ones with kids now!!
You can check out the photos here.