Manchester Passion

Another whole month gone! I’ve been really busy with work and not done much else – so nothing’s changed then!

In the last month, I’ve bought some lighting equipment which I’m hoping will be a really good investment. It’s cost me quite a bit of money, but they’re the sort of things which should last for many years. Doubt this will mean anything to anyone, but what I got was a 3 lamp Dedolight kit, and a Starlite lamp with softbox. You’re impressed now aren’t you?

Not much else to put really. Like I said, my life is just really my work at the moment.

Oh yeh, it’s Easter Day isn’t it? Kind of feels like an ordinary weekend because I’m working both Bank Holiday days. But I did watch the Manchester Passion on tv on Friday night. The BBC did a live retelling of the Easter story on the streets of Manchester using music from various Manchester bands. It was really well done, and I know some people who went down to see it live said it was a really good atmosphere, but it still came across well on tv. A bit rough around the edges, but I think that was part of the reason it worked.

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