Well, the wedding all went off great, and my sis is now officially Victoria Wood (insert your own gag here!)

Damien and Vikky.
It was a completely mad morning – I was staying at Steve & Julies’, and I got up about 8.30 to watch a bit of tv… the calm before the storm! Then it was time to get my suit on, and it was going okay until the phone rang, so I opened the door to go and answer it, forgetting that the suit jacket was hanging on it. I picked it up off the floor, to discover it covered in cat hair and sawdust (Steve had been constructing a wardrobe in the room the day before!) I tried my best to get it all off, but eventually I decided that everyone would be looking at Vikky’s dress rather than my suit, so I stopped worrying too much about it!!
The weather forecast for the day was pretty horrendous – heavy rain had been predicted all week, and we certainly had a downpour first thing, but by mid-morning the heavy rain stopped and it wasn’t too bad.
I headed off to my mum’s house at quarter to eleven where they were all getting ready – my mum, sis and her four bridesmaids… and to say it was hectic there would be a massive understatement! And then at 11.15 (45 minutes before the wedding was to start), there was a major panic as it was realised that one of the pairs of shoes for the bridesmaids was missing, and no-one had ever seen them! So I was sent off to race over in my car to Vikky’s house to look for them (with no clue where they’d be!) and I eventually found them in a box in the back of their store cupboard! And when I got back at about 11.30, she still hadn’t got her wedding dress on!
Anyway, we made it to the church for noon, although it took about 10 minutes to do the photos outside, so I’m sure Damien was sweating a bit at the front of the church!
It then all seemed to happen so fast – we walked down the aisle behind the bridesmaids, and then I stood at the side of them just praying that I wouldn’t mess up the bit where I had to give her away! I did it right, but then couldn’t remember whether it was then that I was supposed to go back to my seat, or if I was supposed to stay there a bit longer… but I chose the former ‘cos I thought it better to do that than be standing there when I wasn’t supposed to be!

Steve, Vikky and me.
Then after the service, it just seemed to be never-ending photographs! We had some taken outside the church – it was drizzling a bit, but it wasn’t that wet really, then we headed over to Middleton Hall for the reception and had a load of photos done in the gardens there. This was then followed by the meal (chicken.. mmm) and then a disco with karaoke.
Both Damien and Vikky had a great day, and you could see they both really enjoyed it all (except when they had to walk around everyone before the meal!), and then yesterday they came back with me to Manchester because they flew out to Cuba from here this morning.
I’ve posted all my photos here.
Thanks gareth 🙂 I just did some recordings using the comp mike, and the sound quality isn't that great! I might let a select few hear it. I haven't decided yet :p
Hope u've had a good weekend.
Btw – your sisters wedding looked really nice – I especially like her dress 😀
Hi Gareth…loved the pictures of Victorias wedding, it all went well didn't it, she looked lovely and you did a good job of both photographs and giving the bride away….Joy