The past

When I started this blog, I decided that I wanted to try and be pretty honest on here, and that the thing I’d never do would be to go back and either change stuff significantly, or remove stuff from posts.

Very tempted to break that second rule though…

Anyway, new year, same old everything else…


  1. Haha…i break that rule all the time :p

    I mainly can't be bothered to blog because I was posting all my songwriting malarkey on it but am now getting too frustrated with my feeble efforts at doing so! 🙂
    I should record some and send it to you…I think you would be the only person to give me an actual honest opinion!!!

    ANYWAY, Hope u have a great new year too and that you didn't start it with a headache 😉

  2. Would be cool to hear some stuff sometime :o)

    Not made any edits to posts yet, but who knows! And no headache this morning… was in bed by 11:30pm…

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