It’s been a busy few weeks, but first off, me and James have been on TV these last few weeks!
I wrote a while back that we were doing all the graphics for Jo Brand’s new documentary series on Dave – ‘Jo Brand’s Big Splash‘, so back in May, we went down to London to be in the audience for the recording of the stand-up section of the series.
Well, the series started on Dave a few weeks ago, an we both make an appearance in audience cutaways at various points! And I’m pretty sure they used our laughs over the punchlines of different jokes!
And at the end of September, me, James, Alex and Prash all went down to London for the wrap party being held on the roof terrace of Envy Post in Foley Street. We arrived in the afternoon, and it was a pretty warm day so we chilled out for a bit in Soho Square Gardens with beer and ice cream before getting changed for the party!

Prash, Alex & James in Soho Square Gardens.
It was a good night, and best of all, it was a free bar! Jo was there for part of the night, but I was too much of a coward to go and say hello, although James did speak to her! We didn’t really know too many people there, so spent most of the evening hanging out with Kate, who’s the line producer on the show.

James & Alex at the wrap party.
Like I said at the start of this post, it’s been incredibly busy at the office, and I’ve been working some crazy hours, including a few all-nighters! Last week was particularly mad because last Wednesday me and James were back down in London for another wrap party – this time for Paul Merton’s Adventures, a follow-up to the series we worked on a couple of years ago, and we once again provided the title sequence and in-programme maps.

Paul Merton’s Adventures
We had a job we had to deliver the same day as the party, so I ended up working through the night, then after grabbing about an hour’s sleep by James’ desk, we took a train down to London (and we were both still finishing off some animations whilst travelling), before meeting up with Matt Kichenside, who came along with us, and let us kip on his floor afterwards!
The party was upstairs at the Electric House on Portobello Road, and I think I’d gone past feeling tired, and enjoyed the night. We all watched the first episode go out on TV, then some of the guys launched into a bit of a karaoke session (Matt really joined in with this!!)
Paul Merton himself was there, but he kind of kept himself to the table he was sat at, but he did give a funny speech thanking everyone for their involvement. James had a quick chat with him, explaining that he was too acquainted with his body because of the amount of rotoscoping we’ve done to footage of him, to which he seemed amused by!
Then the next morning, we left Matt’s really early to get the train back to Manchester, and we travelled first class so got free breakfast! To be honest, for some reason when we booked the tickets, it was actually cheaper to travel first class than regular, but the free food and wifi was definitely a bonus! And it was also my birthday, so was a nice treat, and then that night I got to see Peter Kay live at the MEN Arena, and he was so funny. It’s a bit weird seeing a comedian in such a massive venue – we were quite near the back, so you’re watching a lot of it on a big screen, but the atmosphere with the crowd was great!