This week I went to my last live gig of the year last night, and to be honest I nearly didn’t go!
I bought a ticket to see Shed Seven on their ‘Shedcember Tour’ back in April, when it looked like things might be getting back to normal a bit, but over this last week or so, there’s been a lot in the news about the new Omicron strain of the virus, and how it’s spreading much faster than previous variants. I’d been following some stuff on Twitter and saw that quite a few other bands had decided to postpone their gigs in the run up to Christmas, but not Shed Seven! I understand that they’re probably in a ridiculously difficult position that rearranging dates would probably cost them a lot of money, but I was hoping they’d take the decision away from me by rescheduling!
Anyway, I decided to go – but to try and not get to close to other people, and to obviously wear my mask the whole time! For some reason, I originally actually went to the wrong venue! I’m so used to going to gigs at the Apollo that I went there, parked up, and then wondered why it was so quiet, and then saw the shutters were down on the doors! At that point, I took a look at my ticket and realised the gig was actually at Manchester Academy by the university – somewhere I’ve not been to for nearly 10 years!

Shed Seven.
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