Last night I was at my 3rd Blossoms gig of the year – which is probably a big excessive! I saw them at the Plaza back in May, and then in June they were supporting the Killers in – 3rd time… plus there was the film screening at the Savoy Cinema!
I arrived quite early, because it turned out that England’s World Cup quarter final game against France was also taking place last night and they’d decided to show it on a big screen, meaning the support act, Brooke Combe, had her set-time moved to just after 6pm! I do generally like to check out support acts at gigs, and I thought I could then also watch my first match of the World Cup with a crowd.
The screen came down at 7pm to show the match, with the plan that the band would then start their set at 9pm, but of course the game ended a draw which meant that it went into extra time! It was a pretty tense half hour, but the game eventually ended with a score of England 1-2 France, and I reckon I was probably the only person not hoping for it to go to penalties, because I wanted the gig to not be delayed anymore, knowing that there’d be a cut-off time later they’d have to stop at!

Blossoms gig at the Stockport Plaza.
Blossoms took to the stage around 9.30pm, and obviously they were having to start their show with the audience not in the happiest of moods, but as soon as they started the place came alive , and the crowd were really up for it.
They did a 90 minute set, and had an appearance from Miles Kane who came on and did a Beatles’ song with them, and overall it was a good mix of their new and older songs.
Set list:
At Most a Kiss
Honey Sweet
Oh No (I Think I’m in Love)
The Keeper
Everything About You
Blown Rose
Ode to NYC
The Sulking Poet
Care For
I Can’t Stand It
If You Think This Is Real Life
How Long Will This Last?
Your Girlfriend
Big Word
Paperback Writer (with Miles Kane)
My Swimming Brain
My Favourite Room
There’s a Reason Why (I Never Returned Your Calls)

Blossoms gig at the Stockport Plaza.
Oh, and after a ridiculous wait, I finally have a wardrobe! It’s taken about 10 years to get my bedroom sorted(!), and then when I finally did get it pretty much finished, the IKEA Pax wardrobes that I’d always planned to have weren’t available due to Covid disrupting supply! So, for a while I’ve just been using a free-standing clothes rail, but they’ve recently become available again, so I’ve now got some, and they’re looking great!

New PAX wardrobe!
Michael Wray came over on Thursday to help me put the main frames together – they’re pretty big, and really need two people to be able to lift them up into place. I’m really liking the fact that they’ve also got loads of drawer space in them, and all I need to sort now are the sliding doors that will go over the front of them!