This week, I went to ‘Sounds In The City’ to see the Inspiral Carpets and Blossoms play at the Castlefield Bowl. I saw Snow Patrol play there last year, so was hoping for an equally decent gig this time!

Inspiral Carpets.
There was an extra support act before the Inspiral Carpets, but I didn’t make it there in time to see them! Anyway, I got myself a decent position, and when the Inspirals canme on, I hadn’t realised how many of their songs I actually knew! I haven’t listened to them loads in recent years – obviously I heard them quite a bit on TV and radio during the late 80s and early 90s, just as I was finishing school and starting uni – but the memory was still there!
Inspiral Carpets setlist:
She Comes in the Fall
This Is How It Feels
Two Worlds Collide
Find Out Why
I Want You
Dragging Me Down
Saturn 5
Before Blossoms came on, there was an idiot not too far away from me that though it’d be fun to throw pints over the crowd, which he found hilarious, but others less so! At one point, someone who’d got hit by one pushed his way through the crowd and tried to deck him! Even after this, he was very arrogant about it, and carried on with it… but there was a real sense of justice when security eventually came over and took him away!

So then it was time for the main event, and as expected, Blossoms put on a great show! The crowd was really up for it too, and it’s a pretty cool venue for a gig, so was very enjoyable.
One annoyance was that there was a girl on someone’s shoulders right in front of me for a lot of the songs, and it was packed so tightly that there was no room to move to the side to get an unobstructed view. Luckily she didn’t do that for the entire show!

Blossoms setlist:
Your Girlfriend
Honey Sweet
Oh No (I Think I’m in Love)
The Keeper
Cool Like You
Ribbon Around the Bomb
How Long Will This Last?
Ode to NYC
The Sulking Poet
Blown Rose
I Can’t Stand It
If You Think This Is Real Life
Care For
At Most a Kiss
My Swimming Brain
My Favourite Room
There’s a Reason Why (I Never Returned Your Calls)
