So it’s been quite a busy August so far! Last week, I was up in Scotland where I spent five days up at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe. I had a bit of nightmare journey getting there. I’d had a couple of days back home after being down in London, and then last Tuesday caught a 10am train from Stockport, planning to arrive in Edinburgh mid afternoon to give me plenty of time to check into my accommodation, and then head to the first show I’d booked which was at 6pm.
Of course, it didn’t go quite to plan. We got Lockerbie where the train didn’t move for quite a while because of a major power outage on the line – then about an hour later we were told they decided to take us to Glasgow instead, and we’d then have to make our way to Edinburgh by any connecting train we could get – perfect! So we got into Glasgow Central at 4pm (2½ hours after I was originally supposed to arrive in Edinburgh!), and then had to race across the city with loads of other passengers to get a train from Queen Street station, and I was lucky to get on one that was leaving right away, so got into Edinburgh not too long after 5 o’clock. This gave me just enough time to get to my accommodation on Hollyrood Road, and then up to the Pleasance Courtyard for Tim Vine’s show at 6pm. It was pretty tight, and I felt a bit worn out by the time I made it to the venue, but was just relieved to have finally made it!

George Square Gardens.