I’ve been cycling again this week – first off I did 10 miles at the gym, which took took me about 40 minutes, and although my legs were like jelly when I got off, I was pleased that later on, my legs weren’t aching at all. Again, the only thing which I could feel was the negative effect of the saddle!
Anyway, today we went back to the Upper Derwent Valley at the end of the Snake Pass, and did the same route as a couple of weeks ago.
I went with Dave again, and this time Rob came with us. We started a lot earlier than last time because Rob needed to get back mid afternoon to travel down to a gig in Solihull, so we got to the visitors centre at Fairholmes at about 10.30am, and set off around the reservoirs just before 11 o’clock.
There was a lot less snow and ice this time round, although there were still a couple of places where a few small snow drifts are still hanging on in there.